49 research outputs found

    Persepsi keadilan sosial dan kepercayaan interpersonal sebagai prediktor kepercayaan politik pada mahasiswa di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini menjawab pertanyaan yaitu faktor apa di antara variabel persepsi terhadap keadilan sosial atau variabel kepercayaan interpersonal yang paling memprediksi kepercayaan politik. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah korelasional, dengan subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa perguruan tinggi se-Indonesia yang berusia di atas 19 tahun, dengan teknik accidental sampling, dan didapatkan sejumlah 1161 responden. Persepsi keadilan sosial diukur dengan Procedural dan Distributive Justice Scale (Blader & Tyler, 2003), kepercayaan interpersonal diukur dengan Propensity to Trust Scale (Evans & Revelle, 2008), dan kepercayaan politik diukur dengan Citizen Trust in Government Organizations Scale (Grimmelikhuijsen & Knies, 2015). Hasil menunjukan bahwa kepercayaan politik berkorelasi positif secara signifikan dengan persepsi keadilan sosial (r = 0.714, n = 1161, p>0.01, one-tailed) dan kepercayaan interpersonal (r = 0.112, n = 1161, p>0.01, one-tailed). Hasil dari analisis regresi juga menunjukan bahwa persepsi keadilan sosial menjadi prediktor yang lebih kuat (β = 0.711) dibandingkan kepercayaan interpersonal (β = 0.114) terhadap kepercayaan politik

    Educational Data Clustering Menggunakan K-Means pada Seleksi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Unggulan

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    The National Students admissions (SNPDB) for Madrasah Aliyah is managed by the Directorate of Madrasah Curriculum, Facilities, Institutions and Student Affairs. It is essential for the Directorate and Madrasah to explore patterns and knowledge from admission data in formulating policies and programs from to MAN. Educational Data Clustering (EDC) is a data mining method that is implemented in the education area. K-means is applied to group students based on the results of learning potential and academic potential tests that will be used for development program and student admission policies at MAN-IC. The best results from the experiments tested with Silhouette dividing the data into 2 clusters are excellent and good. The Silhouete value indicates the cluster structure in the medium predicate.. The results present the distribution of clusters in 23 MAN-IC, distribution of personality profiles of prospective students, as well as recommendations for conducting tests in Madrasah.Seleksi Nasional Peserta Didik Baru (SNPDB) Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Unggulan dikelola oleh Direktorat Kurikulum, Sarana, Kelembagaan dan Kesiswaan Madrasah. Menjadi penting bagi Direktorat dan Madrasah untuk menggali pola dan pengetahuan dari data seleksi  dalam penyusunan kebijakan dan program pada MAN Unggulan.. MAN Insan Cendekia (MAN-IC) merupakan madrasah aliyah negeri unggulan yang paling diminati. Educational Data Clustering (EDC) merupakan metode data mining yang dimplementasikan dibidang pendidikan. K-means diterapkan untuk mengelompokkan Siswa berdasarkan hasil tes potensi belajar dan potensi akademik yang akan digunakan untuk penyusunan program dan kebijakan seleksi siswa pada MAN-IC. Hasil terbaik dari ekperimen yang diuji dengan Silhouette membagi data menjadi 2 klaster sangat baik dan baik.  Nilai Silhouete menunjukkan struktur klaster pada predikat medium. Hasil pengelompokan menyajikan sebaran klaster di 23 MAN-IC, sebaran profil kepribadian dari calon peserta didik, serta rekomendasi untuk pelaksanaan tes di Madrasah


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    In the world of education, there are many supporting factors to achieve success in the learning process, from teachers, materials, to students. The thing that still a problem for many educators is how to provide material or learning with various personality characteristics of students who arrive is still a difficulty for educators, this is what encourages the author to carry out this research, so that it can help educators to know the personality of each student. So research Data Mining Personality Classification of SMP Negeri 5 Jepara Students Using Decision Tree Algorithm C4.5 method. By using the decision method tree algorithm C4.5, this data mining can produce perfect output in classifying students' personalities, in this case study at SMP N 5 Jepara.These results are indicated by filling out questionnaires by researchers to 100 students and 1 teacher BP SMP Negeri 5 Jepara.Didalam dunia pendidikan, banyak faktor penunjang untuk mencapai keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran, mulai dari guru, materi, sampai dengan siswa. Hal yang masih menjadi permasalahan banyak pendidik adalah bagaimana memberikan materi atau pembelajaran dengan berbagai karakter kepribadian siswa yang sampai saat ini masih menjadi kesulitan bagi para pendidik, hal inilah yang mendorong penulis untuk mengangkat penelitian ini, supaya dapat membantu para pendidik untuk mengetahui kepribadian masing-masing siswa. Maka dibuatlah penelitian Data Mining Klasifikasi Kepribadian Siswa Smp Negeri 5 Jepara Menggunakan Metode Decision Tree Algoritma C4.5. Dengan munggunakan metode decision tree algoritma C4.5, data mining ini dapat menghasilkan output yang sempurna dalam mengklasifiaksi kepribadian siswa, dalam studi kasus ini di SMP N 5 Jepara.Hasil tersebut ditunjukkan dengan pengisian kuisioner oleh peneliti kepada 100 siswa dan 1 guru BP SMP Negeri 5 Jepara

    Pengembangan Game Edukasi Fractal Adventure untuk Pembelajaran Bilangan Pecahan

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    Abstrak: Penelitian yang dilakukan menghasilkan media game edukasi yang menggunakan sistem  komputer. Pada zaman ini banyak anak sibuk memainkan game untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan. Maka perlu dikembangkan media pembelajaran yang memanfaatkan apapun yang digemari anak – anak seperti game edukasi dengan tujuan menarik perhatian dan meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Tujuan pengembangan ini dapat menyediakan media game edukasi yang sudah di nyatakan valid oleh ahli materi, ahli media pembelajaran serta praktisi lapangan untuk pendukung pembelajaran bilangan pecahan. penelitian ini menggunakan model pembelajaran Gerlach and Ely. Hasil pernyataan valid ahli materi sebanyak 86%, hasi pernyataan valid ahli media pembelajaran sebanyak 82% serta praktisi lapangan sebesar 93%, untuk respon peserta didik terhadap game edukasi fractal adventure untuk pembelajaran bilangan pecahan termasuk kriteria sangat layak.Abstract: Research conducted produced educational game media that uses a computer system. In this day and age, many children are busy playing games to get rid of boredom. Then it is necessary to develop learning media that utilize whatever is popular with children such as educational games with the aim of attracting attention and increasing the effectiveness of learning. The purpose of this development can provide educational game media that has been declared valid by material experts, instructional media experts, and field practitioners to support fraction learning. This study uses the Gerlach and Ely learning model. The results of the validation statement of material experts were 86%, the results of the validations of learning media experts were 82% and field practitioners were 93%, for students' responses to fractal adventure education games for learning fraction numbers including very decent criteria


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    Keputusan yang sulit dihadapi suatu perusahaan dalam menetapkan harga. Meskipun cara penetapan harga yang dipakai sama bagi setiap perusahaan yaitu didasarkan pada biaya, persaingan, permintaan, dan laba. Oleh karena penetapan harga mempengaruhi pendapatan total dan biaya total, maka keputusan dan strategi penetapan harga memegang peranan yang penting dalam setiap perusahaan. Maksud dan tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu pihak Oslo Central Computama dalam kaitannya dengan penentuan tarif jasa layanan servis komputer yang berdasar pada informasi akuntansi penuh. Pembuatan aplikasi penentuan harga jual servis dibuat mengggunakan Delphi 7.0 dengan databse MySql Essensial 5. Penggunaan informasi akuntansi penuh sangat membantu dalam menentukan tarif jasa layanan servis. Aplikasi yang dibuat memudahkan pihak management untuk melihat besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan dan menentukan harga dengan mensimulasikannya. Ada beberapa perbedaan dalam perbandingan antara tarif layanan yang dihitung dengan tarif sebenarnya terjadi karena mengingat dalam menentukan harga jual ada beberapa faktor lain yang mempengaruhi selain faktor biaya seperti selera customer, jumlah pesaing atau faktor lainnya. Kata Kunci : Delphi , informasi akuntansi penuh, penentuan harga i

    Analysis of Governance Complexity on Subsidized LPG in Indonesia: A Three-level Institutional Approach

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    Subsidized liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) policies aim to ensure the efficient and effective supply and distribution of LPG so that the benefits of subsidies are on target. However, there is a gap between planned policies and actual reality. However, in order to achieve better governance of subsidized LPG policies, the causes of inconsistencies must be analyzed by the government. In this paper, we analyze the governance of subsidized LPG policies based on an institutional theory approach using the three levels of analysis and outcomes framework to find out the causes of policy inconsistencies by exploring policy structures and subsidized LPG management. The author proposes that this framework should be integrated into the improvement of subsidized LPG management and strategies. Further research is needed to analyze the impact and consequences of LPG transformation policies to estimate the benefits and challenges of implementing policy reforms. Keywords: liquid petroleum gas, subsidy policy, governance, institutional analysi

    Implementasi Business Process Improvement Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean Management

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    A business process is a structured collection of interrelated activities or work within an organization to produce a product or service. For the quality of products and services, of course, an effective and efficient business process is needed. So far, many business processes are still depicted in the form of still images in the form of flowcharts, because they do not know the notation called BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) which can create images of business processes as well as model them in a simulation. By using BPMN, the most effective and efficient business processes can be simulated to produce organizational products or services. This research implements BPI (Business Process Improvement) with lean management method, and DMAIC framework (Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control). DMAIC is used for gradual improvement of business processes. The tools used to assist DMAIC in this research include the SIPOC diagram (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer), identification of CTQ (Critical to Quality), measuring process capability using DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities), root cause analysis, then simulated using the Bizagi Modeler tool. From research on STAI Attanwir's business processes, it was found that out of 46 business processes there were 15 that experienced waste. Of the 7 types of waste, at STAI Attanwir there are 2 wastes that occur, namely waiting waste and movement waste. Of the 15 As-Is and To-Be business processes that experienced waste, after a simulation using BPI, the results showed that 12 business processes experienced significant changes in terms of time and resources. However, there are 3 business processes whose utilization level remains abnormal even though improvements have been made.Proses bisnis adalah suatu kumpulan aktivitas atau pekerjaan terstruktur yang saling terkait dalam sebuah organisasi untuk menghasilkan produk atau layanan. Untuk kualitas produk dan layanan, tentu diperlukan proses bisnis yang efektif dan efisien. Selama ini proses bisnis masih banyak digambarkan dalam bentuk gambar mati berupa flowchart, karena belum mengenal notasi bernama BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) yang bisa membuat gambar proses bisnis sekaligus memodelkannya dalam sebuah simulasi. Dengan menggunakan BPMN dapat disimulasikan proses bisnis yang paling efektif dan efisienuntuk menghasilkan produk atau layanan organisasi. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan BPI (Business Process Improvement) dengan metode lean management, dan framework DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analysis, Improve, Control). DMAIC digunakan untuk perbaikan proses bisnis secara bertahap. Tools yang digunakan dalam membantu DMAIC pada penelitian ini diantaranya yaitu diagram SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer), identifikasi CTQ (Critical to Quality), mengukur kapabilitas proses menggunakan DPMO (Defects Per Million Opportunities), root cause analysis, kemudian disimulasikanmenggunakan toolBizagi Modeler. Dari penelitian pada proses bisnis STAI Attanwir diperoleh hasil bahwa ada dari 46 proses bisnis ada 15 yang mengalami waste. Dari 7 jenis waste, di STAI Attanwir ada 2 waste yang terjadi yaitu waste waiting dan waste movement. Dari 15 proses bisnis As-Is dan To-Be yang mengalami waste tersebut setelah dilakukan simulasi menggunakan BPI diperoleh hasil 12 proses bisnis mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dari segi waktu dan sumber daya. Namun ada 3 proses bisnis yang tingkat utilizationnya tetap tidak normal meskipun sudah dilakukan improvement

    Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Semangat Kerja Pada Karyawan

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji pengaruh variable motivasi kerja dan kompensasi terhadap semangat kerja karyawan yang ada pada PT. TASPEN Persero cabang Makassar. Studi ini melibatkan 65 karyawan PT. Taspen (Persero) Cabang Utama Makassar yang sudah berstatus karyawan tetap. Data dikumpulkan melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada seluruh responden. Hipotesis yang kami ajukan dalam studi ini akan diuji menggunakan metode regresi berganda dan akan dilakukan pengujian koefisien determinasi, uji parsial (uji-t) dan uji simultan (uji-f). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variable motivasi dan kompensasi secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap semangat kerja karyawan PT. Taspen Cabang Utama Makassar. Secara parsial motivasi tidak berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap semangat kerja karyawan PT. Taspen Cabang Utama Makassar. Kompensasi secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap semangat kerja karyawan PT. Taspen Cabang Utama Makassar. Kata Kunci: Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi, Semangat Kerja. AbstractThis study aims to analyze and examine the effect of work motivation and compensation variables on employee morale at PT. TASPEN Persero Makassar branch. This study involved 65 employees of PT. Taspen (Persero) Makassar Main Branch with permanent employee status. Data were collected through distributing questionnaires to all respondents. The hypothesis proposed in this study will be tested using the multiple regression method and tested for the coefficient of determination, partial test (t-test), and simultaneous test (f-test). The results showed that the variables of motivation and compensation simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on the morale of the employees of PT. Taspen Makassar Main Branch. Partially, motivation does not have a positive and significant effect on employee morale at PT. Taspen Makassar Main Branch. Compensation partially has a positive and significant effect on employee morale at PT. Taspen Makassar Main Branch. Keywords: Work Motivation, Compensation, Work Spirit. 

    Global, local, or glocal identity of EFL learners as ELF users

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    English as a lingua franca (ELF) has created some sense of L2 learner identity in ELF communication. However, there is still a lack of exploration of EFL learners’ identities in the ELF context. This study aims to find out how EFL learners' identities are categorized based on global, local and glocal identities. The study falls into critical applied linguistics as it combines Norton’s identity theory and Walshaw’s subject position’s notion to reveal participants’ subjectivities. This research is categorized as a case study as it explores participants’ identity positioning towards ELF. The results indicate that respondents’ identity options resonate with global, local or glocal identity. Global identity is shown by the tendency of the Inner Circle accent, progress, modernity, and daily activity. Local identity is indicated by maintaining the local accent, and Glocal identity is pointed out by the tendency to blend two identities at the same time. Two of the participants have shown dual identities, while the last two participants only depicted one identity. Respondents’ identity options as the projection of their subject positions and subjectivities appeared in some way to be constructed by universities’ curriculum document policy, university vision and missions, regulation or English exposures in the former school including the curriculum, and informal learning experiences

    Analysis of Businesses Satisfaction and Loyalty To The Service Quality of Agriculture Tool and Machinery Testing

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    System standardization in testing and monitoring agricultural machinery an attempt to anticipate the increasing use of agricultural  machinerywho do not meet the technical and economical feasibility standards. At this time there are many agricultural  machinery  from foreign and domestic untested and not in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Agricultural Machinery Quality Testing Center (BPMA) is one organization that conducts testing agriculture machinery But since the beginning of the current set up has never conducted a survey on customer satisfaction. Yet over time, occurs complaints submitted by businesses agricultural  machinery directed to the BPMA. This research examines the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and loyalty businesses that apply for testing equipment and agricultural machinery  in the Ministry of Agriculture. Respondents were used  in this study are the businesses that produce agricultural  machinery as 88 respondents, that all respondents should be the following testing procedures from the beginning until the publication of the report of test results. Based on the results if the data using SEM-based variantis found that the quality of service (tangible, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and satisfaction significantly influence loyalty